"Recommendation for a Wonderful and Professional Certified Pet Groomer"
Sam is my 12-year-old Polish Lowland Sheepdog and Atsuko has been grooming him for the past five years.
Sam has a skin condition that requires very special care. He needs to be groomed at home by someone who is very experienced and who also loves animals. Atsuko is everything I hoped for to care for my dog. She has provided the most tender and professional grooming in a challenging situation. When Atsuko leaves our once a month appointments, Sam is calm, happy and looks wonderful.
Recently, Atsuko bathed Lola, my Himalayan 14-year-old cat for the first time and gave her a lion cut. Lola looks adorable and ready for Summer. It is very reassuring to know that I have found in Atsuko the most caring groomer who treats animals gently, lovingly and respectfully. She is a joy to have in my animal's lives.
Patricia Bear, New York

House-call grooming,
A1 Pet Grooming, New York
Full Grooming $150& up
Tel: 212-369-3575